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Participant Survey at Mid-Study

Experience during the trial:

Thank you from Revive Research Institute, Inc. for being part of the clinical study. To create better experiences for you and other participants in this and future studies, we would like to know about your experiences in the study you are part of now. This survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete.
We will keep your responses anonymous. You do not need to answer all of the questions if you do not want to.

1. First, how satisfied are you with each aspect of the study? Please use a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning that you are “very dissatisfied” and 5 meaning that you are “very satisfied.”

2. How do you feel about the study visits and procedures?

3. Have we understood your needs as a patient in each area of the study? Please rate on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 means “very poor understanding” and 5 means “excellent understanding.” You can also select “don’t know.”

4. How do you feel about the Study Doctor(s) and Study Coordinator(s) you have been working with during the study, on each of the following? Please use a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means that you are “very dissatisfied” and 5 means that you are “very satisfied.”

Skill/competence, no errors in my care

Study Doctor (S)

Study Coordinator (s)

Knows a lot about my condition

Study Doctor (S)

Study Coordinator (s)

Understands what it’s like to be somebody with my condition

Study Doctor (S)

Study Coordinator (s)

Explains things using words that I understand

Study Doctor (S)

Study Coordinator (s)

Easy to talk to/Friendly

Study Doctor (S)

Study Coordinator (s)

Encouraged questions

Study Doctor (S)

Study Coordinator (s)

Remembers my personal situation/history

Study Doctor (S)

Study Coordinator (s)

Pays attention to me/not in a rush

Study Doctor (S)

Study Coordinator (s)

Easy to reach/returns calls

Study Doctor (S)

Study Coordinator (s)

Concerned about my questions and worries/Caring

Study Doctor (S)

Study Coordinator (s)

Flexible to meet my needs

Study Doctor (S)

Study Coordinator (s)

Thoughtful and polite

Study Doctor (S)

Study Coordinator (s)


Study Doctor (S)

Study Coordinator (s)


Study Doctor (S)

Study Coordinator (s)

Makes me feel confident about my medical care

Study Doctor (S)

Study Coordinator (s)

Treats me as a “whole person”

Study Doctor (S)

Study Coordinator (s)

Interested in how my condition affects my life

Study Doctor (S)

Study Coordinator (s)

10. Based on your experience in this study, how likely would you be to participate in another clinical study in the future? 0=Not at all likely; 10=Extremely likely

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

11. How likely would you recommend to others that they participate in a clinical study? 0=Not at all likely; 10=Extremely likely

Not at all likely
Extremely likely
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Revive Research Institute, Inc.

28270 Franklin Road
Southfield, MI

T: 248-564-1485