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Asthma Leaving You Out Of Breath?

Asthma Clinical Trials May Be An Option!

Asthma affects over 25 million Americans, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Asthma is an inflammatory condition that affects the lungs’ airways. Breathing becomes difficult, and some physical activities can be challenging, if not impossible. Asthma can be triggered by a variety of causes, and symptoms might worsen as a result.

At Revive Research Institute we understand how inconvenient asthma episodes may be. We are conducting novel Asthma Clinical Trials in search of a potential treatment for Lung Function Decline in Asthma patients.

You may be eligible to participate in the Asthma Clinical Trials if you:

  • Are above 18 years of age
  • Have been diagnosed with Asthma
  • Have history of severe exacerbation
  • Can comply with study-related procedures

We are conducting a Phase 3/4 Clinical Research Trials with the goal of assessing the long term effects of a study drug that may help in the prevention of lung function decline in Asthma patients diagnosed with uncontrolled moderate to severe asthma.

*If you fulfill the requirement and choose to participate in the Lung Function Decline due Asthma Clinical Trials, you will be provided with free study-related care and treatment. Our Pulmonologists, nurses, and research staff will provide each of the participants with study-related care and will monitor your health throughout the duration of your participation in the study. 

*All participants will be monetarily compensated for their time and travel throughout the duration of their participation in the research study.

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pulmonology asthma clinical trials

About the Lung Function Decline in Asthma Patients Study

Almost 1828 men and women of 18 years or older, who have been diagnosed with, and are suffering from, asthma for a year or more will be eligible to participate in this 3 year and 3 month long study. There will be a total of 16-17 visits during this time frame.

This is a double-blind, placebo-controlled study to assess the long-term effects of the study drug as compared to the placebo (drug look-alike with no active ingredient). This means that the computer will decide if you get a placebo or the study drug. Neither you, nor your doctor will know if you’ve been given a placebo or the actual drug.

The study is mapped in three phases: 

Screening and run-in phase (3-5 weeks), treatment phase (3 years) and a follow-up phase (12 weeks).

In this study, we will be assessing the effects of study drugs on lung function in patients suffering from moderate to severe asthma.

*Participating in the Asthma Clinical Trial does not cost you anything. Instead, it compensates for the time and travel of those eligible. No insurance is required to volunteer in any of our clinical research trials.

Get Started: What to Expect?

Asthma is a chronic condition in which the lung function declines, and leads to breathing difficulties and compromised quality of life.

Therefore, one of the main goals of experimental treatment is to prevent any further lung function decline in asthma patients. Revive Research Institute is conducting Asthma Clinical Trials to see if the study drug can be beneficial in such patients.

If you are suffering from asthma for a year or more, and feel like you are a fit for this study, reach out to us by filling out the form above or contact us. One of our representatives will contact you to assess your suitability for the Lung Function Decline due to Asthma Clinical Trials.

You will be requested to sign an informed consent form (ICF) after your eligibility has been confirmed. Once it’s signed, several study-related questions will be asked, after which you would be asked to go through certain assessments. The drug will be administered through an injection under your skin (subcutaneous injection).

Length of study Treatment

3 years

Number of study visits

16-17 Clinic Visits & 1-2 Phone Visits



About Asthma

Lung function decline in Asthma patients

Asthma is a condition in which your airways narrow and swell and may produce extra mucus. This can make breathing difficult and trigger coughing, a whistling sound (wheezing) when you breathe out and shortness of breath
Asthma is a lung disease that affects people of all ages. Exposure to an allergy or irritant, infections, exercise, and emotional stress are all potential causes.


Asthma symptoms differ from one person to another. You may have rare asthma episodes, only experience symptoms at specific times of the day — such as when exercising — or experience symptoms all of the time.

The following are some of the indications and symptoms of asthma:

  • Breathing problems
  • Tightness or pain in the chest
  • Exhaling wheezing is a typical symptom of asthma in children
  • Shortness of breath, coughing, or wheezing might make it difficult to sleep.

Even if your asthma is well-managed, you may still have a flare-up of symptoms now and then. Quick-acting therapies can help with flare-ups, but severe episodes may require hospitalization or proper treatment.

Risk Factors:

Family history, a history of allergic reactions, activities that make you overweight, smoking or passive smoking, and exposure to particular fumes are all major risk factors.


When you have an asthma diagnosis, the triggers can be your worst nightmare. The best way to protect yourself from them is to know what triggers you and how to stay away from them. Here is a list of some of the Asthma Triggers, which includes exposure to:

  • Tobacco Smoke
  • Dust Mites
  • Pollution
  • Pets
  • Pollens

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Does asthma run in the family?

There are many factors that trigger asthma. Genetics is one of them.

2. Will I get it if I get repeated attacks of cold?

Contrary to popular belief, asthma has nothing to do with the common cold. Asthmatic attacks can occur in spring when the pollen count is high. High pollen count can also cause sneezing and a runny nose.

3. Can you get addicted to inhalers?

Contrary to popular belief, inhalers are not addictive and are very important for the treatment of asthma.

4. What are some of the common risk factors for developing asthma?

Advancing age, smoking, household environmental tobacco smoke exposure, asthma in a first-degree relative, and use of unclean cooking fuels are some of the common risk factors.

5. Can I quit the Asthma Clinical Trial?

Yes, you can leave a clinical trial whenever you want provided you inform your study doctors. Participation in clinical research trials is completely voluntary.

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Revive Research Institute, Inc.

28270 Franklin Road
Southfield, MI

T: 248-564-1485