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Last Updated on July 27, 2022

Overview of Major Depressive Disorder:

Feeling sadness is a normal part of living. There are some moments that make you happy and others that leave you feeling lonely and sad. Though the symptoms are usually transient, sometimes these symptoms of sadness persist and become a concern for the person affected by it and also their loved ones. In such cases, the person is usually diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), commonly known as Depression. But, it is generally observed that people with such mood issues do not seek treatment, thus the cycle never stops. Learn more about Mental Health Clinical Trials in Chicago that could help in finding a potential treatment option for your mental health condition.

In this blog, we will be talking about the symptoms, management, and effect of Depression on a person’s life. Here’s your guide to Depression Treatment in Chicago and all you need to know about the condition.

Prevalence of Major Depressive Disorder:

Every year, the rate of major depressive disorder diagnosed in the US population is around 9.0% for males and 16.1% for females aged between 15-24 years.

What Are The Symptoms To Look Out For?

The symptoms of major depressive disorder can vary from person to person and they range from mild to severe. Some of the common symptoms are:

  • Feeling low or down
  • Loss of interest or delight in actions once relished
  • Shifts in appetite, weight loss, or gain irrelevant to dieting
  • Problem falling asleep or sleeping too much
  • Loss of energy or increased fatigue
  • Increase in pointless physical activity (e.g., inability to sit still, pacing, hand-wringing) or delayed movements or speech (these actions must be severe enough to be visible to others)
  • Feeling worthless or guilty
  • Difficulty thinking, focusing, or making decisions
  • Thinking of death or suicide

If these symptoms last at least two weeks, this could indicate a diagnosis of depression.

Difference between Depression and Grief:

Grief is an emotion felt when a person loses a close one. It lasts for a relatively shorter span than depression. Some of the characteristics of grief are:

  • Sadness
  • Guilt
  • Poor sleep
  • Poor diet
  • Poor concentration
  • Mixed emotions for the deceased
  • Recalling good old times
  • Tears 
  • Fatigue

In grief, the feelings start to die down after some time and the person starts their life all over again with new hope. However, the opposite happens in Major Depressive Disorder. The feelings linger on for a long period of time and result in thoughts of suicide. Daily life is affected greatly and the person has this fear of not coming out of that sad phase of life. Depression is the sense of loss that feels like emptiness. An individual loses the purpose of his life and is lost in his self-created loop of negative thoughts

It is crucial to make the correct diagnosis because Mental Health is as delicate as your overall general health and it should be just as cared for. There are multiple Depression treatments in Chicago that may be able to help you or your loved ones suffering from the condition.

Long-term Effects On One’s Physical Health:

Major Depressive Disorder affects not only one’s emotions and mental health but also their physical health to the core. It produces detrimental physical effects including:

  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Weight loss
  • Loss of libido
  • Inflammation

Supporting People with Major Depressive Disorder:

supporting people with MDD

Support is one the most considerable help you can ever offer to someone. Words of kindness and encouragement go a long way. People with Major Depressive Disorder need support and love from their close-knit friends and family. They go through a lot of pain that impacts them both mentally and physically. There are Depression treatments in Chicago that can provide support not only to you but to your loved ones as well.

Therefore, your compassion and care can be helpful in someone’s recovery. Some of the ways to help your loved ones get through this phase of agony and despair are:

  • Gain as much knowledge about depression as possible
  • Understand that you can’t fix everything in the blink of an eye
  • Try to be a good listener
  • Reassurance is the Key: Make small gestures to remind them that they are not alone in this
  • Show them that they are valued
  • Suggest them to see a therapist

Taking Care Of Yourself While Supporting Your Loved Ones:

There is a characteristic drive to need to fix the issues of the people we care about, however, you have no control over another person’s downturn. You can, however, control how well you deal with yourself. You genuinely must remain stable for all intents and purposes for the discouraged individual to seek treatment, so focus on your own prosperity as well.

Recall the appeal of airline stewards, “Put on your own breathing device before you help the person next to you.”

All in all, ensure your own well-being and contentment are strong before you attempt to help somebody who is discouraged. You will not significantly benefit your friend or family assuming that you break down under the stress of attempting to help. Once your own needs are dealt with, you’ll have all the energy you need to loan some assistance.

How Does Depression Affect Men?

As a rule, men will generally put off getting any sort of help since they believe they should be intense, confident, and ready to handle agony, and carry responsibility. This can make it difficult for men to recognize they have any medical conditions, not to mention psychological wellness issues.

About 6 million American men are affected by depression every year. The symptoms of depression in men vary and thus it is important to have sound knowledge of the symptoms experienced to take necessary actions. There are multiple Mental Health Clinical Trials in Chicago that may be able to help you or the men in your life learn more about the symptoms of Depression and potentially find a treatment.

Signs of Depression in Men:

The indications of depression in men include changes in how they think, feel, or act.

They might feel:

  • touchy, furious, or disappointed
  • miserable or void
  • disheartened
  • ambivalent or overpowered
  • powerless or hopeless

They might think negatively, for example:

  • They are not significant or valued (low confidence)
  • People would be in an ideal situation without them
  • Life does not merit living
  • Their life isn’t pleasant

They might begin acting distinctively, for instance, by:

  • Not going out with friends or family
  • Not managing as well as they regularly accomplish at work or school
  • Getting away from work or sports
  • Concentration problems
  • Acting wildly

You may likewise observe physical signs, for example:

  • Trouble dozing or feeling tired
  • Changed craving, regardless of weight reduction or gain
  • Feeling run-down or unwell
  • Loss of sexual longing or performance
  • Headaches
  • Muscle pain
  • Agitating stomach

Major Depressive Disorder in Teens:

There are various reasons why a teen could become discouraged. For instance, youngsters can foster feelings of uselessness and deficiency over their grades. School, societal position with peers, sexual orientation, or everyday life can each significantly affect how a teen feels. Once in a while, kids’ despondency might result from school or peer pressure. Yet, whatever the reason, while being with friends, family, or doing things that teenagers generally enjoy, try to assist them by talking to them about their loneliness or what’s bothering them. There’s usually a high possibility that they have teen depression. There are Depression Treatment in Chicago that cater to Depression in teens as well as adults. Utilizing these resources can help you and your loved ones and improve your quality of life.

How Does Depression Affect Quality of Life?

Depression can influence each part of your life, including the manner in which you rest or eat, your personal or professional life, your well-being, and your focus, as well as your connections. Besides, depression can affect the manner in which you perform at work, your degree of focus, and consequently efficiency. Specialists say that it is essential to treat discouragement because if you leave it untreated, it can prompt extreme difficulties in your personal and professional life. Certain individuals undervalue the significance of therapists. Be that as it may, in reality, looking for the best therapist can have a major influence and can really help with your Mental Health through Mental Health Clinical Trials in Chicago.

Your Guide to Depression Treatment In Chicago:

Living with depression can be very challenging. Nonetheless, treating this condition is essential to living a better life. Numerous symptoms of depression can be effectively treated with prescription, albeit a few types of depression are treated with a mix of techniques. Some of the treatment approaches incorporate:

  • Prescription: These include antianxiety, stimulant, and antipsychotic drugs. Each sort of medicine for depression has its advantages as well as dangers and secondary effects.
  • Psychotherapy: As discussed earlier, it is necessary to look for the best psychotherapist. Counseling with an expert will help you in mastering the abilities expected to adapt to cynical sentiments.
  • Light treatment: A few experts guarantee that exposure to portions of white light can help with controlling mindsets and battle symptoms of depression. This kind of treatment is frequently employed in the treatment of the occasional mental health problem.
  • Elective methodologies: You can get some information about contemplation or needle therapy. A few homegrown supplements, for example, sesame or fish oil, may assist you with your Depressive Disorder. Remember that a few enhancements could likewise deteriorate feelings of sadness and diminish the viability of the medication. Always consult with a specialist prior to incorporating supplements with drugs.

There are certain ongoing paid Mental Health Clinical Trials in Chicago that are working on finding a potential treatment for depression.


Major Depressive Disorder is a debilitating condition that not only affects the individual diagnosed with it but also, the people around them are just as greatly impacted. It is important to understand your symptoms and take the necessary steps to ensure better mental and physical health. If you or someone you know is having symptoms similar to that of depression, it is best to get checked to rule out other issues related to depression and treat the main condition. Find Depression Treatment Centers near you that could potentially assist you in finding the best possible treatment for your Mental Health issues.

Dr. Zara Khan

Dr. Zara is a Dentist with expert knowledge in Recruitment tactics. Coupled with her insight into Marketing and her love for understanding medical conditions, she is an integral addition to Revival’s Patient Recruitment Department. She is currently pursuing her MBA in Health and Hospital Management.

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